It's Not Lost Until You Give Up - Syven Lavellan

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NAME: Syven Galifalon Lavellan
RACE: Dalish Elf
AGE: Same as Adhlea.
Description: Flame-red wild long hair. Grey eyes. Slightly crooked nose, one small scar on the bridge of his nose, a scar across his left cheek and another light scar diagonally across his face. Slightly effeminate. Syven prefers his hair braided. Slightly taller than his sister, Syven is still smaller than the average male elf. What he lacks for in height he makes up for in sarcasm.
CATEGORY: Rogue-Mage
WEAPON PREFERENCE: Syven prefers multiple layers of clothing and carries an arsenal of knives in those layers; most of them are not throwing blades as he does not have as good aim as his sister. He is a close-combat specialist, with a preference to ice when he uses magic.
BIRTH PARENTS: Helana Sabrae, Revassan Boranehn
PREFERENCE: Unlike his sister, Syven is more attracted to humans more than elves. He is bisexual, though very loyal to whomever he settles down with. Only if it conflicts massively with his clan loyalties will he break it off.
FAMILY: Clan Lavellan, Varaina, Fenris, Adhlea- considers Keeper Deshanna his mother and Enaste, Halier, Hallen, and Ghimyean his siblings as well. Yenera by Revassan's sister Uvun.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Dorian Pavus of Tevinter, The Iron Bull of (formerly) Par Vollen
TITLES: Keeper of Clan Lavellan, Others (spoilers!)
GOALS: Keep his clan safe, keep his sister alive, don't die
LIKES: Fruit
HATES: Revassan Boranehn
DISLIKES: Solas (because he's an ass and broke my sister's heart), Adhlea's Other (I don't trust strangers!)
LOVES: Clan Lavellan, Adhlea, Dorian, and The Iron Bull


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