The Curious Case of Leilani Lavellan

 Or, What You Want to Know about Never Again's Leilani Lavellan!

Leilani is a over two thousand years old. About 2,260 years old, give a little leeway or so on the age. She still looks like a young woman, thanks to rather awesome genetics and the fact she's immortal. She has the look of a Tevene woman with caramel skin and black hair. 

Original eye color? Golden, because I headcanon all ancient Elvhen are born with golden eyes and many of their eyes change colors randomly.

(please don't ask why, I just do.)

Current eye color? Violet. 

Sexual orientation: Girl is totally pansexual, at this point.

Favorite weapon: swords. She loves swords.

(it's possible she has a thing for certain weapons.)

Medical issues: tactile sensitivity, mild anhidrosis (takes a lot for her to sweat), and a host of mental issues.

Least favorite weapon: chakram. They're really cool to look at, but a pain to learn how to use. She knows the basics, but doesn't know how to actually fight with them.

Favorite person in the whole world: Sulvuna, her father's mated.

Least favorite person in the whole world: Probably her mother, though her father is a strong contender for the title.

Least favorite color: Purple

Favorite Color: Purple

*will be added to*


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